Exterior Painting in Franklin, Tennessee

Quality painters for the outside of your home

Our Franklin, Tennessee painters are committed to offering you extraordinary exterior painting service and customer support. Our team is committed to delivering a timely quote, returning your phone calls, texts and emails, arriving up on time for the job and providing a quality paint job.

With our proven exterior service, we provide a totally free assessment and style guidance to assist you choose the appropriate alternatives that fulfill your tastes and spending plan. We work with you on a personal level to ensure you are completely pleased with the work that we do for you.

Our completely certified and insured painting contractors understand what it takes to finish the job effectively and economically. We take our work seriously.

We also utilize top level products materials that are sourced locally here in the Portland region and throughout the United States through our relationships in the painting industry. Both our exterior and interior paints carry prolonged producer warranties.

We also ensure to utilize the very best guides, caulks and sundries, consisting of rollers, brushes, and tape. Less expensive materials might conserve costs up front, but in the long run they will cost you in quality and longevity.

In addition to your house’s exterior, our professionals also ably apply paints and stains to decks, decks, wood fences and gates, maintaining walls, and more. Obviously, we also provide impressive interior painting alternatives.

Contact us today to read more about our home painting services and to arrange your free assessment and quote.

Our relied on painting process

When we started our company more than 20 years ago, our local, family-owned crew was committed to being the very best house painters Franklin and the greater Portland location need to offer. We have actually been successful by collecting lots of 5-star reviews on Google, Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Facebook, and Angie’s List.

We employ the very best painters around and continue to buy them through training and providing modern equipment to utilize. We have a particular way of painting and providing personal constant customer support that matters to our loyal clients.

Our team committed to protecting your house and its surroundings. Our knowledgeable painters protect your valuables, consisting of plants and greenery, patio areas, walkways, and driveways from splatter and leaks by covering your environment with plastic, paper and ground cloth. It is our goal to leave your property cleaner than when we started working.

We utilize a tested approach, from quote to completion of the project that consists of a proposition, contract, samples, and color choices.

Once you hire us, we start with proper preparation. Included in the process is pressure washing, getting rid of stopping working caulk, removing loose paint, filling holes and making small repairs, protecting surroundings with ground cloth and plastics, using primer, and applications of 2 coats of paint by rollers, brush and airless sprayer.

We provide these paint services:

See our FAQs page for more information!